Mira DeFi Add Liquidity To SunSwap

Mira Coin
Mar 29, 2022

TuesdayMarch 29/2022

Doc. Mira DeFi

The good news for Mira token holders, today the Mira DeFi team will add liquidity to SunSwap DEX by 25,000 Mira and 25,000 USDT .

Total liquidity of $50,000 at the price of $1 / Mira token, with the addition of liquidity in SunSwap decentralized exchange ( DEX ) opening Mira DeFi’s door to the global market, in the future Mira DeFi’s development team will continue to add liquidity regularly so that Mira DeFi can have a large liquidity pool to compete in the global market.

Greetings to the moon🚀

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Best regards
Mira DeFi Development Team




Mira Coin

Mira DEFI Project. MIRA (Valuable Digital Asset, Transparent for everyone Arround the World.)